Enjoy Brocante Magazine Feature

YOU GUYS!!!! I am so excited to finally share that we are featured along with Stephanie Susie Photography in the current edition of Enjoy Brocante magazine! 

Have you heard of Enjoy Brocante? It was a joy to work with Colinda & Jeroen and here's what they have to say about their magazine:

"From our passion for brocante we make Enjoy Brocante with a lot of love and attention. And we are happy to share this with you and with all other flea market enthusiasts. In addition to fair and styling tips, our magazine also includes personal stories and reports, interspersed with many inspiring and original viewers." - Colinda Borst-Van Loon & Jeroen Borst

So you may be wondering... what is brocante exactly? I love this description from Maddie & Marie

"The origin of the word Brocante may come from the Dutch word ‘brok’ which means piece or fragment. The Victorians used the phrase ‘bric à brac’ to describe small ornaments and trinkets used to ornament their homes. The expression probably dates from about 1830 to 1840 and would also be applied to other decorative items for the home. An early 19th Century French word ‘bric’ meant small pieces and was used in the phrase ‘de bric et de broc’ for building with bits and pieces. This was a progression from a phrase ‘a` bric et a` brac’ which was also used in the early 1830s  to express the concept of  ‘any old how’."

In every edition of the magazine, Colinda & Jeroen ask about the favorites of a broncate enthusiast. I was so honored they asked me to share some of my favorite vintage finds. We are featured in the "Brocante et moi" section. 

It's always an honor to be published in print and I want to give a shout-out to some of my favorite small shops and businesses represented. 

If you are interested in purchasing the magazine, below is a bit more information: 

"100% INSIDE - From March 19, number 2 of ENJOY BROCANTE will be in stores! Among other things in this number: Kalender, the nicest flea markets from March to May 2019; the adventures of De Baretjes "en route" in France; 100% look inside, no less than 6 extensive reports! Visiting Maison de Mings in South Illinois; At home with ... Susan in Canada. 130 pages of vintage interior inspiration." 

As always, thank you for stopping by the blog and sharing in our excitement! We are so thankful for this community. 




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